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Babylon Girls

If you desire a date with a woman of your dreams, then you have landed in the right place. Our escorts here at Babylon girls London are selected carefully for their personal attributes. Emotional intelligence, highly attractive natural sex appeal, physical and verbal communication skills. High-class sophisticated ladies who understand what it takes to provide you with a real girlfriend experience. Our Babylonian goddesses are amazing at their work as you will feel the warmth of their presence.
We have friendly staff to assist you with bookings 24/7
You can request in call/outcall, short visits, overnight or trips away. From dust until dawn, we have you covered. As our many reviews tell our story, our escorts will show you their world of glory.
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1 hour£250£350
90 min£300£350
2 hrs£500£550
3 hrs£700£750
Created on: 2022-08-20
Last updated: 2022-09-25 00:49:14